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The Baltimore Free Store
Catégorie : Magasin
Statut : Espace semi-public
Etat : Ouvert
Date, horaires :

BFS in less than 100 words: We collect unwanted goods and redistribute them to people who want them. It's pretty simple. We are trying to change the way people view their relationship to their goods, their community and their earth. Though we target low-income neighborhoods to distribute goods, there are no requirements for shoppers; the Free Store is open to anyone who wishes to come. Our motto: give what you can, take what you need.

Our Mission: We promote recycling and reuse to help alleviate the traumas of poverty and to involved communities in working together to meet their needs.

Our Vision: We envision communities forged through relationships based on mutual aid and cooperation. We use the distribution of free items as a catalyst for change and as a way to demonstrate what can be done when communities work together. We envision a society where relations are not based upon individual greed, consumption, and private ownership – but a society where individuals are empowered towards the creation of sustainable and cooperative communities. To this end we encourage recycling and reuse as a means to counteract excessive waste and consumption within our society. Our vision for the future means empowered, stronger communities and the creation of a healthier


Localisation (Éditer)

1413 W. Baltimore Street Baltimore, MD 21223
Coordonnées GPS:39.2370/-76.6324
Pays : États-Unis d'Amérique
Région : Maryland
Code postal :
Ville :
Adresse précise : 1413 W. Baltimore Street Baltimore, MD 21223
Compléments sur l'adresse :

Créateur de la page: Benjamin Grassineau
Le contenu du site, un site gratuit et convivial pour échanger librement, sans argent et sans troc, ainsi que toute contribution à ce site, sauf mentions contraires, est placé sous une licence culturelle non-marchande.
Site gratuit, sans publicité, à but non lucratif, fabriqué avec PmWiki et ouvert à tous ceux qui souhaitent réaliser des échanges non-marchands ou simplement partager leurs savoirs et leurs savoir-faire.
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